Sammy's Latest |
Sammy and I have an after-school routine. We come home, get a snack, and do homework. While I was opening his book bag, I noticed there were HUGE slashes taken out of the fabric between the front and middle zipper part (see pic to the right). So, I asked him what happened...And do you know what my sweet, innocent, beautiful baby boy did? He came up with a genius lie. He told me that another boy in his class was being mean to him and cut a huge hole in his book bag (he knew this would break my heart and send me into a fury - of course diverting the attention away from him - but I was on to him). So, I looked at him again and asked, "Sammy, are you telling Mommy the truth?" Of course, the SECOND answer was the truth. He cut his book bag. To him, he was simply making an easier route into his book bag so he wouldn't have to use the zippers if he wanted to get to his folder.
So, two topics were discussed that night: laziness and lying. Not many things will result in a spanking for Sammy. But us McCall's take lying very seriously (because God takes it very seriously according to the Bible - see proverbs 12:22 and others). Sammy got a warning over the cuts in the book bag since this was his first time mutilizing (mutilating?) something he owns. And, this time, for some reason, I didn't feel I should spank him over the lie. I felt like we needed to have a deeper discussion over this.

For those who have heard me pray, you know I usually end my prayer with "forgive us of our sins. amen." After I said a goodnight prayer with Sammy, I asked him if he thought he sinned that day. He glanced to the side, made a teeter motion with his hand, and nonshalantly said, "eh, maybe a little." I asked him to be specific and he agreed that lying was a sin. So, I asked him to confess his sin to God. I really expected a half-hearted prayer or a rebuttal or a plea for me to do it for him. But he immediately closed his eyes, got into "prayer position" like the Precious Moments dolls with their prayer hands held tightly to their chin, and quietly BEGGED the Lord to forgive him. It went something like, "PLEASE, forgive me, Jesus. PLEASE, forgive me, Jesus." I asked him if he meant it with all his heart. He said he did. And we both knew that he was forgiven. He smiled and turned over and went to sleep. (talk about a heart breaker - what a kid)
Listen, moms and dads. I know your precious angels can do no wrong. After all, they are born innocent, right? WRONG! The Bible says that we are sinners from childhood. In Genesis 8: 21 God tells Noah that "the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth." I believe this is true because you don't have to teach a child to lie or be hurtful or disobedient. Look at Adam and Eve's example - they certainly didn't have an example of disobedience to follow - they walked with God! But, we have are born into an evil world and possess evil in our hearts from childhood, which is why it's so important to "train up a child" according to the Bible. Boy, is it hard! Boy, does it expose MY sin daily! But, boy is it rewarding when I see my six-year-old begging for Jesus' forgiveness over lying about cutting his book bag and I have probably broken Jesus' heart in far worse ways and far many more times that day. Wow - the lessons learned each day during "Hugs, Kisses, and Prayers."
Wonderful lesson for Sam. He knows if he Prays when he does something wrong God will forgive him. If you had let the "little lie" slide he would have missed an "important" message! Good Job Mom!