So, we leave today for our "couples camping trip" - twelve of us to be exact. Jared and Dorothy are picking us up shortly and have told us that they are carrying ONE bag between the two of them. So, I told Matt last night that we need to try and fit all of our things in one bag, too. Can you imagine how our three hours of packing went?! Between the two of us, I'm pretty sure we went over every "outfit" possibility - tried on every article of clothing - cried a bit when we didn't match - mourned over lost articles of clothing (Matt thinks he is under a curse where his favorite clothes disappear) - unpacked - repacked - unpacked again - reconfigured outfits - and eventually shoved everything into ONE very large bag. We may have no underwear when we get there but, by golly, we are packed!
Our first stop is Moonshine Creek in NC where I'm told we will be sleeping in a cabin with a mattress. I've packed a set of flannel sheets and will be sleeping in cuddly penguin and hearts for the next two nights (sorry, Matt). I asked Matt if I should prepare activities for us and the Winter's - cards or fun question games or something - he said no. Sonny Holmes will understand me on this one because we both share the strength of "woo" - which basically means we want a party around us all the time and want to make sure everyone within 20 feet of us is happy and comfortable and having a great time! I'm told we'll be sitting by a camp fire or exploring places nearby. At least there is a restroom at this facility and showers.

On Friday morning we are scheduled to go on a canopy zip line tour at Navitat in Asheville. I have had one other experience with a zip line at Look Up Lodge - it didn't go very well. I never made it off the platform. Twenty minutes after I was hooked up and after leaving everyone around me agitated, I was allowed to climb down. I was told that I am doing this - no matter what. So, I've pretty much dismissed the idea until this morning. God may be sick of hearing from me at this point because I've been praying pretty hard - not really for safety or for the poor souls who have to listen to me whine and pout and cry and try and talk them out of hooking me to the cables...but for courage so that I will enjoy myself and open my eyes while I'm gliding past the amazing scenery. If I can do this, this will be a big break through for me!

Saturday we begin a FIVE MILE hike up Mt. LaConte - I have a "big girl" pack with a "bladder" (that still cracks me up) so I will have everything a good hiking girl needs - water, clothes, rain gear, my little hot pink forehead light, campers toilet paper, bug spray, first aid stuff, and even the pink rice krispie treats I made for the occasion. I didn't listen to Jared who said I should have began prepping my body for this trip weeks ago. He wrote out an exercise plan but I didn't follow it. I better start practicing my fake "I'm ok" face now because I'm sure my pride will be too huge on Sunday to admit I can't move! There's no shower at the top of the mountain - not even a bathroom really - just an out house (or "long drop" as Matt calls it - ew)...

I can't wait to see my babies and have had a hard last few days - especially after Sammy has reminded me of every possible fatality I may encounter! I'm very excited about this trip and am thankful for the opportunity to spend time with my husband and friends (thanks Carlile's and Luttrell's!). Please pray for our journey these next few days. You know I'll have 800 pictures posted within an hour of our return on Sunday! Ha! Wish us well - Happy Glamping!
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